Please READ COMPLETELY to participate.
This exciting and educational evening will help you prepair for PPOC's Image Competition (and Others) by using PPA's 12 Elements to a Merit Image.
To participate in this FREE TO MEMBERS review, ($15.00 per photo for non-members), you must complete 2 simple steps:
1) Prepair to the best of your ability and then upload up to 6 files DURING THE EVENT REGISTRATION. We suggest preparing your photos first - THEN use the REGISTER BUTTON in the BLUE area, you may only REGISTER and UPLOAD your photos ONE TIME, so please have your photos ready. REMEMBER they do not have to be perfect!! If you have any issues please contact Duane Murphy at - If you are reading this in an email you may click here to visit and the Registration/Submission Page.
2) To view the Critique be sure to click here now to register for the Zoom Link. Please note that this link is ONLY TO VIEW the critique and you must REGISTER AND UPLOAD your files SEPERATELY BY USING THE REGISTRATION OPTION ON THE LEFT or at the TOP depending on your device.
Photos evaluated here are eligible for Image Competition, give yourself the best opportunity of succeeding!!
Even if you don't have an image to submit, you are welcome to hear the discussion.
If you are not sure what the 12-Elements are we suggest reviewing them at or better yet LEARN ABOUT THEM at our IN-PERSON workshop, The Image Competition Boot Camp Taught by PPOC's own Photographer of the Year Duane Murphy. Also, sign up for the "Image Comp Boot Camp" workshop the following Saturday, February 15th.